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Brainial launched Tender Alert - Never Miss a Tender Again

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Brainial launched Tender Alert - Never Miss a Tender Again

Brainial launched Tender Alert - Never Miss a Tender Again

Brainial launched a new product at our latest Brainial Bites event called Brainial Tender Alert. With smart technologies, Brainial collects all tender announcements and publications from any source in one central place. The information is updated daily, enriched with information from tender documents, and presented in an all-in-one dashboard. 

Tender Signaling

Tired of logging into all kinds of different tender portals? With Brainial Tender Alert you can find all information and documents about tenders in one central place. Based on the content of your historical tenders and keywords, automatically the most promising tenders will be ranked in an all-in-one dashboard. Within Brainial Tender Alert you can create unlimited search profiles to support multiple business units and labels. There are all sorts of filter possibilities like NUTS, publication date, and language. 

Easily find similar tenders

Brainial's smart technology makes it easy to move from one interesting tender publication to the next interesting tender publication. For each tender publication, similar other tender publications are listed in order of relevance. This makes it very easy when you have found a suitable tender, to be immediately presented with similar interesting tender publications in a clear overview ranked on relevancy. 

Connect any source

Any tender publication platform or website can be linked. And when we say 'any', we mean 'any'. This makes it possible to start targeting and getting all international tender announcements and publications in a clear all-in-one dashboard. Would you like to connect a source? Please let us know. 

Analyse tenders with Brainial Tender Assist

Of course, we have made it possible to directly analyse an interesting tender publication with Brainial Tender Assist. At the touch of a button, we ensure that the documents are retrieved from the relevant platform and analysed automatically. This not only extracts information such as the criteria, schedule, and submission documents but also extracts your organisation-specific points of attention and risks from the documents. 

Get started

We would love to guide you through our solution in a short call or demo to explore the potential for your company together. Please contact us and we will set you up. 

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