Latest customer case:
Croonwolter&dros saves more than 50% time on tenders

Create better proposals faster

At Brainial we change the way people are dealing with tenders by providing the most intelligent and trusted AI-based tender assistant to create better proposals faster.

Save time
Reduce costs
Boost win rate

Trusted by leading enterprises

Our customers are happy to tell you about their results with Brainials Bid & Tender Management Software. Below is a selection of our customers.

Your AI based tender assistant

Qualify, analyze and respond to tenders with ease. Assess tenders >50% faster with our all-in-one AI-based solution.
Save time: With the help of AI, reading, analyzing and understanding the tender documents is faster than ever. Find information faster, reduce the time searching for information.
Reduce failure costs: Miss less information. Humans and machines read in parallel and both detect points of attention and risks. Information is automatically classified and linked.
Increase quality: By eliminating manual repetitive tasks, there is more time left to empathize with the customer's demand, think about strategy, and engage in creative human activities.
Read more about Tender Assist
Learn more about Contract Assist

Craft high-quality bid texts, and draft proposals with the power of AI

Draft and finetune high quality content with our AI-assisted writing solution.
Save time: Stop spending most of your time searching for content you can re-use from previous proposals and instead start spending your time on sharpening high quality AI generated content.
Tailored output: AI-assisted writing based on your tone of voice and capabilities detected and learned from your won proposals. Create unique and differentiating texts that help you stand out.
Enhanced data safety: Your data and input stays yours and is not used for generic training of our TenderGPT, instead a smaller model that is not shared with others is trained to augment and learn from your context.
Learn more about Contract Assist

Integrates with the tools you use

Boost productivity by connecting your current enterprise tools and tender platforms with Brainial.
View all integrations


Synchronise tender details, deadlines & actions to AFAS.
MS Sharepoint & Teams

MS Sharepoint & Teams

Synchronise documents & data with MS Sharepoint & Teams.


Synchronise opportunities, tenders and deadlines & actions to Salesforce.
12Build Matchmaker

12Build Matchmaker

Export workcomponent data to get subcontractor quotations.
Docstream DMS

Docstream DMS

Automated metadata detection & document control for Docstream DMS.
M-Files DMS

M-Files DMS

Intelligent metadata detection & document control for M Files DMS.
MS Dynamics CRM

MS Dynamics CRM

Synchronise tender details, deadlines & actions to Microsoft Dynamics.
Relatics SE

Relatics SE

Export structured requirements used in system engineering.

Don't take our word for it.

Our customers love to share their experiences & results
with Brainial's Bid & Tender Management Software.
Paul Jezeer
Projectmanager Digitalisering Regiobedrijf Verwerving
Every week, we automatically analyse dozens of tenders and offers with Brainial, halving the effort and working towards a 90% time saving.
Paul Greving
Divisiedirecteur Utiliteit
"With the deployment of Brainial's software, Croonwolter&dros has taken an important step in optimising its procurement process. By cleverly integrating technology and using advanced AI tools, we can now respond to tenders faster and more accurately."
Aldo de Vries
Strategisch Manager Bedrijfsvoering
"Brainial is configured and trained to detect VORM specific issues and risks in order to achieve a 50% reduction in time spent reviewing tender documents and at the same time reduce failure costs by 20%."

Learn how to create better proposals faster

We love to guide you through our AI driven Bid & Tender management solution
to explore the potential for you and your company.
Discover our value
See how we solve the biggest challenges
Experience the value of AI for Bid & Tender Management