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Brainial Joins the Pledge 1% Movement: Our Commitment to Making a Positive Impact

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Brainial Joins the Pledge 1% Movement: Our Commitment to Making a Positive Impact

Brainial Joins the Pledge 1% Movement: Our Commitment to Making a Positive Impact

In today's interconnected world, we believe that businesses have a crucial role to play in giving back to their communities. That's why we, at Brainial, are proud to announce our membership in the Pledge 1% movement. This significant step reflects our deep commitment to being a force for good and actively contributing to the betterment of society. In this blog post, we will delve into our decision to join Pledge 1% and how our pledge of 1% of our profit, product, and employee time is making a positive impact.

Inspiring Change through Pledge 1%:

Pledge 1% is a global philanthropic movement that inspires businesses of all sizes to pledge 1% of their profit, product, equity, and employee time to support communities and non-profit organizations. We firmly believe that even a small contribution today can have a profound impact on the future. By becoming members of Pledge 1%, we demonstrate our dedication to being responsible corporate citizens and actively contributing to society beyond our business endeavours.

The Power of Giving:

At Brainial, we understand the transformative power of giving. That's why we have embraced the principles of Pledge 1%. We firmly believe that by pledging a portion of our future success today, we can create a lasting impact tomorrow. By allocating resources to philanthropic efforts, we are not only investing in the well-being of our communities but also fostering a culture of social responsibility within our organization.

Product and R&D Capacity as Catalysts for Greater Good:

As proud members of Pledge 1%, we are committed to dedicating 1% of our profit and product to support non-profit organizations. This means that a portion of our financial success directly contributes to initiatives that address social, environmental, or humanitarian challenges. Furthermore, we leverage our research and development capacity as a catalyst for the greater good. By allocating a percentage of our R&D resources, we support non-profits by providing innovative technological solutions or expertise to amplify their impact.

Employee Engagement and Community Involvement:

We recognize the integral role our employees play in driving positive change. As part of our commitment to Pledge 1%, we pledge 1% of our employee time to be dedicated to community service and volunteer activities. This initiative allows our employees to contribute their skills and expertise to worthy causes, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment within our company.

Example: Teaching Coding Skills in Schools from Disadvantaged Neighborhoods:

As an example of employee engagement and community involvement, we are proud to share that our staff actively engages in teaching at schools from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. By volunteering our time and knowledge, we aim to empower and inspire students who may face additional challenges. Through education, we believe we can make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of these young individuals. We would like to thank JINC for facilitating this. 

Collaboration with Non-Profit Organizations:

Being members of Pledge 1% has provided us with invaluable opportunities to collaborate with outstanding non-profit organizations. By partnering with these organizations, we leverage their expertise and knowledge to make a meaningful impact. Through these collaborations, we aim to support initiatives aligned with our core values and enhance the overall well-being of our communities.


As members of the Pledge 1% movement, we, at Brainial, are unwavering in our commitment to being responsible corporate citizens. Through our dedication to allocating a portion of our profit, product, and employee time, we actively work towards making a positive impact on society. By inspiring other businesses to embrace similar philanthropic efforts, we contribute to a collective movement of companies striving to be a force for good. With our continued commitment to Pledge 1%, we are paving the way for a brighter and more compassionate future. Together, we can create lasting change and make the world a better place for all. More information can be found on our website.

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